COVID-19 a lăsat sechele grave copiilor. Sunt medici care spun că numărul pneumoniilor la copii este în creștere, în special cele post-covid, dar și alte afecțiuni extrem de severe care pot pune în pericol viața copiilor. Unii necesită chiar dializă și tratament doar în centre univesitare.
The text discusses the serious long-term health consequences (sequelae) that COVID-19 infection can have on children.
Although some children may experience mild or asymptomatic cases, the virus can leave permanent damage to their lungs, leading to severe pneumonia and opacities that require hospitalization and specialized treatment.
The article highlights the alarming increase in cases of pediatric pneumonia, particularly post-COVID, and emphasizes the urgent need for medical attention and ongoing research to understand and address these lasting effects on young patients.
The text discusses the serious long-term health consequences (sequelae) that COVID-19 infection can have on children. Although some children may experience mild or asymptomatic cases, the virus can leave permanent damage to their lungs, leading to severe pneumonia and opacities that require hospitalization and specialized treatment. The article highlights the alarming increase in cases of pediatric pneumonia, particularly post-COVID, and emphasizes the urgent need for medical attention and ongoing research to understand and address these lasting effects on young patients.